Example Data

Heat Map of Near Misses

Sample Data - Intersection: Culver and University
Dates: 1-31 October 2022

image of Heat Map of Near Misses sample data

Traffic Speed

Sample Data - Intersection: Culver and University
Dates: 1-31 October 2022

image of Traffic Speed sample data

Red and Yellow Light Runners

Sample Data - Intersection: Culver and University
Dates: 1-31 October 2022

image of Red and Yellow Light Runners sample data

Comparison: AI-System to Inductive Loops

Intersection: Campus and Berkeley

Initial traffic count comparisons suggest the AI-System can detect additional on-road vehicles that are not captured by inductive loops. Investigation is underway comparing the detailed detection dynamics.

Further, the AI-System can count individual pedestrians as opposed to the conventional pedestrian call button presses which do not include how many pedestrians are crossing the street per button press nor how long the pedestrians take to cross the street. The latter is critical to pedestrian safety and one additional benefit that the AI-System provides.

Vehicle Count

Sample Data - Intersection: Campus and Berkeley
Dates: 27 December 2022 through 3 January 2023

image of Vehicle Count sample data

Pedestrian Count

Sample Data - Intersection: Campus and Berkeley
Dates: 27 December 2022 through 3 January 2023

image of Pedestrian Count sample data